Jake Engebretsen

Jake Engebretsen is a Program Facilitator at Green Hill. Jake was a High School Administrator, Teacher, and Coach for nearly a decade at private schools around the state of North Carolina. Jake holds a B.S. in Sports Management from Guilford College, and also played college basketball for 4 years.

Jake is an alumni of Healing Transitions, a 501(c)3 nonprofit recovery facility in Raleigh where he was a Peer Mentor. Jake completed the program at Healing Transitions in 2023. Combining his personal recovery and teaching experience gives him a very unique outlook into how to help people, especially young men looking to change their lives for the better.

Jake hopes to combine his experience of being a peer mentor, teacher, and coach and apply the combined experiences to working with clients at Green Hill. Through his personal experiences in recovery, Jake relates to clients on a meaningful level and builds rapport with them. He also taps into the skills he learned as a teacher, all of which combine into a unique perspective and skillset that he brings to our team.


Guilford College (Greensboro, NC)— B.S. in Sports Management