Matt Ross

Matt Ross is a Program Facilitator at Green Hill. He works directly with clients by holding them accountable, developing meaningful connections with them, and uplifting them to make healthy decisions.

Matt has B.A. from Bates College, along with nearly 2 years of experience working as a Mental Health Technician at Holly Hill Hospital here in Raleigh. At Holly Hill, he served in a direct care capacity with young adults and adolescents. While working as a Program Facilitator, Matt is also pursuing a Master of Social Work at the University of New England Online with the plan to become a psychotherapist or clinician.

Matt brings a wealth of experience in managing patients with mental health disorders as well as addiction problems from the time that he spent at Holly Hill Hospital. “From a standpoint of making an impact on the community, I went through the Green Hill program myself in 2020,” Matt explains, “so I can relate to and connect with the existing/future client base quite well. Also, I can provide constructive feedback to clients if they ask for it to make them successful in whatever area they are trying to work on. Perhaps the last way I see myself making an impact on the client community is to do my best to lead by example. For example, I do this now by encouraging clients to go to recovery meetings and taking them myself. Also, although it is something that I am still trying to build out and expand, I can help clients build their recovery networks here in the triangle since I’ve lived here since early 2020.”

Matt currently resides here in Raleigh. Despite not having participated in swimming in college, he is an avid swimmer and states “It is truly my biggest passion outside of work and school. It is something I do for an hour to two hours almost every day of the week.” Matt was born in NYC and lived just outside NYC for most of his life. Matt and his brother are first generation Americans, as both of his parents were born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada. When Matt isn’t working or in school, you might find him watching NHL hockey, reading, or enjoying EDM music.


Bates College (Lewiston, Maine) — B.A.