Troy Skisak

Troy Skisak is a Program Facilitator at Green Hill Recovery. He works directly with clients by ensuring transportation to meetings, distributing necessary medications, and checking in on them throughout their recovery journey. Troy is currently a senior at NC State University majoring in mechanical engineering.

Troy previously spent two years at Texas State University. “I didn’t gain much except for some college experience and unfortunately, a heroin addiction,” Troy explains, “This eventually led me to Green Hill, initially as a client, where I retained the record for the longest running residential client. While at Green Hill I was able to gain the skills necessary to stay sober and put my life back on track. With tremendous support from staff, I put my life together, later working my way through Wake Tech Community College and into the NC State mechanical engineering program which I am very proud of.” Troy’s return to his collegiate pursuits brings him immense joy.

Regarding his work as a Program Facilitator, Troy uses his own experience to deeply connect with the clients. “Being a former client gives me a unique perspective and ability to connect with the current clients,” Troy explains, “I understand a lot of what they’re going through and am able to share with them what I used to get through these issues while I was a client here. I am also able to somewhat influence how the program looks by explaining what I think were the most helpful parts of the program while I was in it.”

“Including my time as a client, I’ve actually been a part of Green Hill longer than anyone here except for Tripp,” Troy adds. Although Green Hill is a huge part of his life, he has many hobbies and interests that he honed in on and developed during his time as a client. “I’ve got a dog named Harley who is my baby girl and whom I love more than anything. I’m a pretty big baseball fan and am very interested in lots of complex science and physics which govern the way the universe works.”


NC State University (Raleigh, NC) — B.S. (2023)