We are thrilled to announce that our CEO Tripp Johnson will be speaking at the Addiction Professionals of North Carolina’s (APNC) Fall Conference, which will be held virtually on October 13-16, 2020. Green Hill recently became an organizational member of APNC to support APNC’s mission of empowering professionals in the prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery field. This event is a great opportunity to learn more about what it’s like to lead a values-based, mission-driven organization in the substance use disorder field — register for a spot now by emailing info@apnc.org.
Tripp had this to say about his upcoming speaking slot at APNC’s fall conference: “I’m really honored that APNC asked me to speak at their upcoming conference. APNC is a terrific organization that, among other things, oversees North Carolina’s collegiate recovery programs which we frequently work with at Green Hill. The opportunity to discuss conscious leadership and what it means to lead a values-based, mission-driven organization, is something that I didn’t want to miss.”
The APNC conference will be held virtually to keep all colleagues safe and while this will be different for many, it is an example of how adaptability is one of the keys to providing quality care. Tripp’s presentation will focus on how intentionally developing a culture based on a shared set of values and a vision has allowed the organization to thrive amidst the chaos caused by Covid-19. He will share lessons learned from the early stages of Green Hill through the organization’s navigation of the pandemic. Attendees will be presented with information and resources focused on culture development, conscious leadership, and operational systemization which they can incorporate into their organizations.
To learn more about APNC, click here and secure your spot at the fall conference by emailing info@apnc.org.