The Sinclair Method for treating alcoholism is an evidence-based approach that Dr. John D. Sinclair developed. Unlike other treatment programs that preach complete abstinence from alcohol, the Sinclair method allows you to continue drinking at the beginning of treatment.
Treatment in this program is also combined with the prescription drug Naltrexone. Naltrexone blocks the effects or “buzz” that you would typically get from drinking alcohol. Over time, your brain stops associating alcohol use with feelings of pleasure that would drive you to drink excessively.
The Sinclair Method has been shown to be effective in more than 90 clinical trials around the world. The success rate of this method is 78%. This method is considered the standard treatment for alcohol dependence in several European countries. This approach does go against the more common abstinence-based approach that most treatment centers and specialists currently endorse. However, with these scientific studies’ success, it bodes well for the Sinclair method to become more relevant in the future.